FLEXX Fitness Members Of the Month

Larry joined Flexx Fitness in February and has quickly become a dedicated member. Under the guidance of trainer Ethan, he hits the gym three times a week, focusing on building strength and muscle. Beyond the weights, Larry and his wife often explore the abundance of hiking trails within a 20-minute drive of McLean. Larry's favorite exercise? Pushing the sled—it's not just about physical exertion, but the sense of accomplishment it brings. With his infectious drive and positive attitude, Larry embodies the spirit of Flexx Fitness, inspiring us all to reach for our fitness goals.

Angela has been coming to FLEXX Fitness long before it was called FLEXX Fitness! She has been working out since 1989 and has no plans on stopping anytime soon! She officially started training back in 2008 with us and hasn’t stopped because she loves FLEXX Fitness and feels like it is one big happy family! She said she loves that unlike a big gym, she always gets personalized attention when she comes to workout at FLEXX and she mentions to everyone she can, about how nice and clean the facilities at FLEXX are during her sessions! In the gym, she can be found working out with Becky and doing one of her favorite exercises, which happen to be wall sits and pushups! Angela also attended one of the falling seminars hosted by Master Ron, and she learned how to fall safely. She ended up taking a hard fall in 2018 and instinctively used the technique taught by the class, which helped her avoid hitting her head on the floor and other serious injuries! Outside of the gym, she is involved in a national philanthropic group through her church which keeps her busy! We are so lucky to have such a dedicated client like Angela and we appreciate her continued loyalty and support!

Jo and her husband, Sig, have been members of FLEXX Fitness since they moved to McLean 5 years ago. Jo wanted a gym that offered classes and found energizing, challenging, and fun options at FLEXX. “From the manager to the front desk staff to the trainers, walking into class each time makes me feel welcome. Classes challenge me without being pushed to my limit. I look forward to working out with my gym friends who share the same goal of keeping fit and improving strength.” Outside of FLEXX, Jo has a very exciting and active life, and she has been to all seven continents! She loves to bring back spices from her travels and use them in cooking new recipes at home. We are so grateful to have a member like you, Jo! Your enthusiasm during class helps make others laugh and keep pushing forward!

Jim is the epitome of dedication and consistency at FLEXX, having honed his skills over many years, tracing back to the days of its predecessor, Cypress. Under the guidance of trainer Ethan, Jim's commitment shines through every week as he relentlessly pursues his fitness goals. Last week's triumph of pushing a 200-pound sled is just one testament to his uncompromising determination and strength. Remarkably, Jim hasn't missed a single session in the past year, showcasing his unwavering discipline and commitment to his health and fitness journey.